Together we can achieve more

Survey EuroTier 2024

EuroTier 2024 seems far away but time flies, as we all know. The last poultry EuroTier took place in 2016. Given the economic circumstances and the increase in costs on all fronts, good preparation is half the battle. ShowCo want to work together with EuroTier to establish a high quality Poultry EuroTier 2024.

Please provide us with your information before May 5, 2023

EuroTier is not able to guarantee a  100% outcome of all your wishes. However, EuroTier will do the best of their ability to meet the wishes of ShowCo members.

Please note that this is a ShowCo inventory tool and not a binding agreement with EuroTier.

Please respond before  May 5, 2023.

In case of any questions, please contact Fenny Straat, director via +31 6 53 30 4068 or

Together we can achieve more!